1 month ago
United States

I see ppl in ssg runs and they can seemingly speed craft a specific amout of an item in a click, without dragging it off the crafting grid. (Example: (Start at 0:20)) is there a hotkey or smthn for this? Shift clicking just crafts all of one item instead of 1 or 2, so idk how they do it

Tennessee, USA

In the video you mentioned, what he does is craft all of his logs into 40 planks by shift clicking (which makes a stack but he only had enough for 40) and then crafts one recipe worth of sticks (so 4 sticks) which he does by simply right clicking the stick recipe option, then crafts 2 different types of shovel and a boat the same way. So in short if you just want to make one just right click the item you are hovering over in the crafting menu.

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