How to delete a Board Variable?
2 months ago
Kent, England

I am trying to delete a variable and replace it with a more updated one, but I can't seem to see an option to delete, only Archive which is not very useful.

Is there a way to delete these?

Somerset, England

You can only archive a variable, this is incase you need to restore it later. Meaning that this is basiclly deleting it.

Although, there is a bug where the values from archived variables still appear on runs in a game's Recent Runs list or on a user's profile. Which this does give the appearance that they haven't been fully archived lol

Kent, England

Ah that is slightly annoying as it is messing up the Additional information part of LiveSplit. No worries though, I'll see what I can do.

Somerset, England

messing up the Additional information part of LiveSplit

Archived variables haven't been implemented into API v1, and I assume LiveSplit uses that. So they'd still show

Kent, England

Hmm, makes sense. I've managed to find a workaround by making that an annotation and unarchiving it, so it works on Livesplit now.

Thank you for your help Bacon.

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